Saturday, August 11, 2007

pet peeve of the moment

Spritzing people, you know the ones, at the department store with all the fragrances? Yeah, so I go to buy a new bottle of my jam, and the lady at the store, totally disregarding that I am determined and had already made a b-line for what I wanted, makes her sales pitch. All the while is spritzing me with shit without asking. Keeping my temper, I politely listen to her doomed pitch. And after I decline her upsell, and her suggestion, and continue shopping. She hits me up 10 minutes later as if saying "no" wasn't enough, and drags me back to the shit I told her I didn't want in the first place.

But I got what I went there for. Just for the moment I smell all this lame ass shit some "dude" of douchebaggery would probably dig.

Well, that is my rant for the day. Gotta go get ready for a wedding (and no, I'm not performing the ceremony.)

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