You know the image, maybe you heard that Fairy was accused of copyright infringement by the Associated Press. Reportedly he was forced to admit that the famous image was based on a AP photo of Obama.
If he's convicted of that, he could face 3 years in prison.
Now, he was arrested in Boston when he was on his way to the Institute of Contemporary Art to kickoff a solo exhibition. Supposedly the charges were based on damaging property with graffiti in several locations, and warrants were issued on Jan.24th.
Nothing was stated as to what the instances of vandalism were, but it's safe to say the man can't seem to get a break.
And in regards to the charges by the Associated Press, get over it. He didn't profit from the run, all the money went to Obama's campaign. The image inspired a nation. AND if he did use the photo, it was used as reference, is it really considered copyright infringement when you don't actually use the physical photo?
Is ObeyGiant.com a non-profit now? Fairey made profit he just decided to donate it. Profit is profit. You should read some of the criticism that Brian Sherwin has posted about Fairey.
Now I am not trying to hate when I say this, but... incidentally, wtf does Fairy's website have to do with anything? Is the concept of creating art for charity or causes that alien to you?
Profit is not always profit, there is such a thing as not-for-profit. Which I chose to believe was the case here from the beginning.
And I would be happy to read these comments you speak of. But sadly you left no link. ;-)
But I have to say, if you have an opinion on something, anything, have the courage to sign your name or handle, not simply go "Anonymous".
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