Sunday, August 09, 2009

Movie Experiment...

Okay so I have this card. This card gives me free movies for a year, me and a guest. Well... it's not free, paid for the stupid thing (but if anyone at AMC wants to give me a free one, I'm not going to say no). Anyway, like a free (actual free) gym membership I got sometime back, not using it as much as I should. So going to try a little experiment. Going to see a movie a day, unless there are plans, gonna see a movie a day until there are no more movies to see. So what's up for this week?

Monday: Julie and Julia

Tuesday: Funny People

Wednesday: The Ugly Truth

Thursday: Have plans, Alacartoona playing at Jardine's. You should go. You know, if you're in KC.

Friday: District 9

Saturday: Ponyo

So there it is. Want to join me? Give me a shout. But this shit is happening.

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