Saturday, January 02, 2010

We all have stages, don't we?

For me, for this particular moment. I am seriously over-thinking ENTIRELY WAY. TOO. MUCH. And it probably only compounds the suck that I have a creative mind. That sounds really egotistical, doesn't it? But I have no idea how else to put it:

over-thinking + over-active imagination = a lot of suck.

But yea, there it is. And here I am. Almost 2 in the morning. Can't sleep. So I think. And I guess you probably want to know what I am thinking about. What has me perplexed at this late/early hour? Well, this is where I am a tease, and you just don't get to hear it.

But if you know me, and I mean really know me, you can probably make a pretty educated and accurate guess.

But yea, of all the things to plague a person's mind, I probably am stuck on the worst topic. But that's okay I suppose. If I ever make it to bed, I'm sure it'll pass by morning.

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