Have you found the joy in your life?
I hope so.
I'm still looking for the joy in mine. I'm not sure what that is, or where I will find it. I think I knew at one point, that special something. You know, where you know where you belong, where your day gives you meaning. Where each day would present you with challenges that would grow you, teach you. Not only yourself, but extend to those most important to you.
I think I knew what that was. But somewhere along the way I've forgotten. And I want it back, to find it again, to discover it again. I don't want to simply go through the paces of life without thought, immersed in routine, because that's what growing up tells you to do.
I remember there was a movie in which it talked about if you're unhappy with your life, to have the strength to change it. I think I've realized that I am unhappy, as sad as that may sound... I just don't know if I am strong enough to change it.
Not even sure what I would change it to.
But there it is. Me, lost in a sea of doubt, and uncertainty, looking for that happiness. Cause I can't remember the last time that I was, you know, happy. But I'll keep looking. And if you're in the same boat as I am, I hope you will to.
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9 years ago