Thursday, August 17, 2006

Don't be lazy people... for real.

So let me tell you a story. So I go and get my oil changed right? Really needed it. Then the guy is all, "See this, you need a radiator flush", I'm all ok. I ask how much, he tells me, I'm all, "let's do this".

THEN he hits me with the transmission flush. I'm all, "hell no playa, I only got so much coin". Yea, I was feeling some ebonix.

THEN he asks me about changing the air filter. Now the air filter, nothing part. 12 bucks tops (unless you're going for a performance air filter). So I'm thinking 20-30 bones for the work. And saves me the trouble from stopping by the store to pick one up. So I give the go ahead to do the work.

Such a BIG mistake.

Sons of bitches charged me 50 bucks for the filter and install. And it was a shitty filter. And the install is nothing in the doing.

Moral of the story people, do it yourself if you can.

50 bones, dang man, dang.

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