Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What a strange day...

Sometimes my mind has a nasty habit of going into superdrive, and over bake and over think on particular situation. Recurring topic of that is friendship. It's just lately more and more I feel less and less like a friend to the people I would call friends. Almost feel... excluded and disregarded.

And that kinda sucks.

I would go into more detail... Just curious as to where you draw that line. I mean, when I put myself out there to help a friend. Do they look at it as a guy they know willing to help, or an actual friend who is there when they need them. Cause if it's the former, that's bullshit. To me that's just taking advantage. Fuck that. You know? I don't know. This is me overthinking, and letting it over bake.

Totally different note. Seeing my hairstylist today. Yea, guys need stylists too!

1 comment:

Pensive Girl said...

huh. i'm going through the same thing. over thinking friendships. with girls it's even more complicated though.

you know where i sit if you ever want to over think it together.

and yes, a stun batton is a wee bit strange ;)