Sunday, November 05, 2006

So I might have a problem...

It's the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday and all I can think about is how much I want a soda right now.

But several variables stand in my way. I live in the city, so not a lot of markets around. There's a Osco down the street, but it's closed today, as with any market nearby really. Just Osco (a drug store if you didn't know) is like a block away, so that would be the obvious choice.

I suppose I could get in the car and go to the store... but that seems like too much effort for some corn syrup.

There is always the option of ordering a pizza, just to have some Dew delivered. As sad as that is, it's an offense I have committed before.

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, I redefine a Lazy Sunday.

In other news, I have been EXTREMELY irritable lately. I can't explain it. I've been losing my temper more and more... or I would hold my temper in, but that just makes me more irritable. Just an angry, angry man lately... but what are you gonna do? really.

Been sore as hell lately. Saw a band called the Zeros on Thursday. Sweet ass cover band... but I couldn't stop dancing. A few swings, tosses, and splits on concrete has left this cat a little sore this weekend.

Anyways. Just a shit ton to get done... last week was definitely a busy social week. Busier then it's been in some time. Just fell behind in the rest of my life. So it's catch-up time.

Anyways, hope you kids are doing well. Later.

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