Sunday, January 07, 2007

Seriously, sometimes the little things bug the hell out of me...

So it's about 11 pm, doing some bits on the computer, and I have Serenty playing in the background. Now, those of you not in the know, Serenity is based off the short-lived sco-fi show Firefly, and it's about the best show ever (okok, there is The Office, but that's a totally diffrerent genre). Anyways, getting ahead of myself. So in the movie there's this great space chase, and the pilot is all talking to himself:

"i'm a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar."

Things go boom, lasers go bang...

"Iiiii'm a leaf on the wind, wat--"
"What does that mean?" Screams the Captain.

If you see it, totally hilarious. But on the DVD, they cut the last bit, cut the "I DON'T KNOW!", and that just hurts.

Like I said, the little things, sometimes they bug me.

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