Thursday, February 01, 2007

Kudos to you DC Comics

Seriously, kudos to DC Comics. Why you ask? Well, they’re making it easier for retailers to carry more diverse products in the Direct Market. Those of you not in the know, Direct Market vs. Newsstand is a little more of a gamble for Retailers, mainly because in the Direct Market you can’t return product like you can in Newsstand.

So why is significant?

Well in response to the rising popularity of shojo (girls) manga, DC Comics is coming out with what it calls it’s Minx line. Specifically aimed at a young girl audience. But it’s first title, The P.L.A.I.N. Janes, which is about a new girl in town who bands all the outcasts together to do some good. But with a lack of spandex, action, paranormal, blahblahblah will it sell?

Enter DC Comics who will make this first title returnable. And that makes it easier for Retailers to carry more diverse products in the Direct Market.

Kudos to you DC, kudos.


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