Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mother Effin' Pimples!

Yeah so, I know some of you know that I am doing a charity called Shave to Save, and as a added bonus going to try and grow my hair out to donate to Locs of Love, right?

I just gotta say, all this extra hair is making me break out like a little bitch. Suck.

That's it.

Other than that, Christmas has been both enjoyable and stressful with the fam. I fly back to Kansas City in the morning, and it'll be good to get back. And you fine folks who enjoy photos in blogs, I will post some soon.

Until next time kids!

Fucking T-Shirts...

So yea, so this kick ass band back in Maryland that's friends with my brother... yea, they asked me to design some shirts for them. Totally stoked about the opportunity, but in this world filled with trendy, designer, graphic tees... feeling the stress. Why? Well, if anything, I'm not a trendy man. But no worries, the shirts are going to be kick-ass... just gotta nail that damn design... fucking t-shirts.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

an iProposal?

So get this boys and girls, a gentlemen by the name of Claude proposed to his girlfriend by using his iPhone, and crafting a painstakingly accurate mock-commercial for the aforementioned device that mimics the current campaign. It's adorable, heartfelt, and enjoy!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007


The one thing I hate about hosting a party, and really it's the only thing. No one ever let's you know if they are coming or not... I'm not hatin' on anyone, just sayin'. I guess that's why people use Evite... anyway. That's it. That uncertainty gives a man great stress. But what are you gonna do?

Anyway, I digress, I hope all of you celebrating Christmas had a awesome one today.

Until next time, I remain, Ben.

Guys, put up the toilet seat in a public restroom if you're taking a piss. Nobody wants to take a dump in your urine. Seriously. You may think you have good aim, you really don't.

PSS... or is it, PPS...
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem sucks balls. Those of you who do not frequent the guilty pleasure or geek film fare probably respond by saying, "duh". But to those of us who enjoy a good sci-fi/horror flick every now and again, this sucks balls. Just FYI.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

That's it. Merry Christmas. Now go open some presents or something!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

3 Mother Fucking Hours...

It's funny to me that my next post in this blog immediately follows the post of me preparing to return home to Kansas City after the Turkey Day festivities with the family. Anyway, enough about that. I'm sitting here, typing, realizing how much I hate Christmas this year. Seriously, hate. Nevermind the stress of holiday shopping, and it is stressful. From picking a good (not always expensive) gift, to braving the crowds at the stores, the shit is stressful... But yea, nevermind the shopping... what gets me at the moment is the travel. Every year I fly to Maryland to see my family. Always Christmas, and once and awhile Thanksgiving too. This year I'm blessed with seeing them on both holidays. But today, as I am ready to fly home to Maryland. I wrap the stress of packing, curse the world as I feel like a pack-mule hauling gifts to Maryland... but the icing on the cake? Getting to the airport to discover my flight has been delayed 3 fucking hours. That totally blows. Probably any other airport then Kansas City, wouldn't be so bad, but KCI is such a small claustrophobic airport... not a lot to do to kill the time. So I sit, annoyed, frustrated and sleepy. I sit and wonder if I locked the car in Economy Parking... I sit just wanting to be in bed.

But whatever, we'll see how fast this 3 hours goes. Damn I wish I brought my DS with me.

Anyways, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and if I know you, and you don't have plans for New Year's, give me a shout, hosting a small party. Good booze and good company, what more do you need?