Saturday, March 01, 2008

Shave to Save

Hey kids!

Those of you who know me know I am participating in a fundraising event called Shave to Save. Those of you who don't know what that is, well, Shave to Save is one of the American Cancer Society’s most exciting and unique fundraising events and the only special event that directly benefits the Hope Lodge which provides free, temporary housing to cancer patients and their caregivers during the duration of their treatment. To date the Hope Lodge has served over 4,000 individuals and their caregivers since its doors opened in 2000. It is an amazing facility and has assisted countless families during a very trying time.

For my part, along with 14 other Shavees in Kansas City, I'm helping to raise money for the Hope Lodge and on May 8th I will get my head shaved in honor of those fighting cancer and all those who have lost someone close to this disease.

And as a added bonus, I thought if I am going to get my head shaved, why not see if I can grow enough hair to donate to Locks of Love. Probably won't hit 10 inches by May, but shouldn't stop a person from trying, right? But you'll be able to see the progress at, site is not live yet, but hopefully soon.

It is my hope that you'll join me in this journey and help me raise money for this cause. You can visit my Shave to Save page at:, there you can learn more about the Hope Lodge and make a donation to help me reach my goal of $5000.

Thank you for your time and hopefully your support. I'll keep you all updated on how things are going.


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