Thursday, July 31, 2008

So perhaps I should start...

There has been one area of my life that has become my life of late.

Devoting all my time and effort to this endeavor has been my mission. Out of obligation, duty, or affection for those in my life. I have given all I am to this, forsaking almost all other aspects of my life: social assembly, friends, love, simple pleasures, all.

This mission has become my sole focus, a focus that borders on obsession.

But to succeed at this, this mission. I am quickly discovering, or perhaps have always known, there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish the task at hand. So what recourse is left to me, to my function.

Well, to push forward into the night and the morning, my health has been fed a steady diet of soda, candy and tobacco. The hope being to fool my body to be conscience enough to press on. And I fear to say, the effects of such a diet has begun to take a toll upon my body.

So where am I leading you dear reader with this plight that I am currently ridden with?

Well, I fear at the completion of my mission, with the effects of the diet has had on my person... well, I fear I may have to join...

...a gym.

Oh the misery of it all.


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

you can't go home after work. you'll talk yourself out of it everytime! eat a snack late in the day and head straight to the gym! this is the only thing that worked for me when i was in your position last fall. 13-15 pounds later (hey i still like cheeseburgers, there will always be a range!), it was a good decision.

and you're probably going to have to stop the smoking. it's the only way to make the exercise experience a little less painful. just sayin.

you can do it! write progress blogs. you'll surely get lots of unsolicited advice (like now) that way. ;)