Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Breaks my heart...

So JCPenney has been running these ads for the Fall season that... well, some may say pays "homage" to the Breakfast Club. Mimicking a lot of the moments you remember from the movie, right down to Judd Nelson's fist toss.

Perhaps you've seen it?

But you know, really, just breaks my heart to see this commercial bite on John Hughes, especially when it features a bunch of kids who weren't even born when the movie was out. Kinda like when I see a tween where a Ramones t-shirt. And I wonder if they even know who the Ramones are?

Oh to top it all off, the commercial had this REALLY LAME cover of Simple Minds', "Don't You"... Why would you cover that? Why? It's a classic!

Basically, every time I see this commercial, my heart breaks a little more.

An interesting way to start the day to be sure.


FUZZBUG said...

LOL, oddly enough I am playing Simple Minds as we speak. Seriously!

Molly Jane said...

I hate it. It makes me mad. (Seriously.)