Penny Arcade, genius, I'll say it. And their strip about Dollhouse, spot on. I want to love to love Dollhouse, but sadly, haven't. Of the three episodes that aired, been entertained by only one. The others? Well, they make me cringe through the watching. I want to say it's the premise, and not the writing... but it hurts me.
But why I find PA even more profound on this strip than most. This strip can be an allegory for so much in my life right now. The events of the evening would be a great example. I would elaborate, but I'm not. But yea, this is probably not the forum to talk about it anyway.
Either way, it doesn't change the fact that the PA team is brilliant in their ability to satire a situation, however complex, in 3 panels. Penny Arcade, I heart you.
And since I am using this image without permission, please visit them at Penny-Arcade.com.
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