Sunday, August 30, 2009


So it's been decided. I've decided to quit smoking. Sure I've tried before and failed. But this time I hope will be different.


Well, someone in my life asked me to quit. And that was enough. And I am hopeful it'll stick. Well, made a promise to quit. Not in a habit of breaking my promises. So I guess I have no other choice but to hold strong, and make it stick right :)

Anyway. We'll see where this goes.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

::happy dance::

These days, right now, are the hardest! No sugarcoating it.It WILL get easier! You will totally impress youreself.

Just like anything else, sharing your experience can be helpful, depending on the kind of person you are and the support group you have. I'm pretty sure anyone who calls you a friend would happily take a phone call next time you feel like a smoke.