Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Changes for the New Year?

I will not call these the dreaded "R" word... but as this year comes to a close, definitely thinking about changes I need to make, and some that I want to make, in the new year. But people always like reading these, right? So here we go:

  1. Get/Keep on a regular sleep schedule so I can do a better job of getting to work early, or more on time... long story.
  2. Lose weight
  3. Take up an instrument... or 3.
  4. Make more time to make art. Have shows?
  5. Work, AND PUBLISH, a comic. And start the web comic?
  6. Finish the personal sites (FB, YR, Zaz...)
  7. Work on the home... 
  8. Build something of value...
  9. Invest less in people who seem to invest less in me. (I know, that sounds pretty heavy...)
  10. Take things less seriously. Don't let the "EI" run my life paranoid... again, I know, that sounds pretty heavy. :)

Well, that's it... or at least what I can think of off the top of my head. Ten changes. Nice round number. 12 months. Let's see what happens.


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