So this blog may make me a total girl (no offense to the ladies), but whatever, I'm putting this shit out into the world. So I make no claim that I got sweet taste in music... which though, who decides that? You know, what is good? Whatever. Anyway, no claim that I got sweet taste. Anyway, I was watching the Today Show this morning, and the musical guest was some dude named James Blunt (awesome last name btw). And the song he performed was Goodbye My Lover ... man, less about the song, but the man was putting out some serious feelings when he was belting his jam. Some serious emoting was happening up in this peice. Definitely like that one was about someone close. All I could think was "yo". Too bad he was on the Today Show, Lester [insert last name here] kept cutting him off, and asking dumb questions when Blunt was saying something like how he felt performing for the troops in Kozovo, after serving in the military in that area. Seriously, how do you cut someone off when they're talking about shit like that? Serious. Anyway, that was the thought of the day. Work has been cool today, I spent it drawing. Really can you complain when you've spent your day drawing for work? Yea, I didn't think so either. Anyway, got bowling tonight... not sure if I will join the league next season... maybe. We'll see. Anyways, hope all of your days are going well... I guess I will get back to work.
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