Sunday, May 27, 2007

Change - Part Deux

So I mentioned some changes, well the doctor appointment came and went. That was interesting. Good news, what I thought was a spontaneous mole, well, turns out is a wart. HA, how about them apples. Thank goodness though, at least there's no threat of something super serious. So they referred me to a dermatologist to get the little guy freezed off, which in a really strange way I am totally stoked to go through.

But there were some gray areas, those of you who know me, you've probably experienced my hack-phlegm-vomit/convulsion-heaving spectacular. So had that checked out. They had me do a polmanar... plumarna... they had me do a "breathing" test, and they did a x-ray. So x-rays look fine, but the numbers from the test don't look so good. So they think I might have developed an allergy, and gave me some medicine. But to be on the safe side, they referred me to a specialist. So we'll see how that goes.

A lot of referrals from the General Practice folks.

Anyways I'll see them again on Wednesday for a physical, been super scared about diabetes, more so lately than anything else. Doesn't help good 'ol mom reminds me it runs in the family every time I talk to her. So hopefully everything will work out.

Not to much else is going on. Really excited to finally send out that comic proposal... really freaked out too. Seems like one of those endeavors to try and change your fate... whenever those moments come, big or small, it's a pretty heavy thing. Exciting, but heavy.

Well I hope you all are doing well today. I hope you all are having fun this holiday weekend. Personally I am greatful for the long weekend.

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