So I should preface this blog by saying I am a geek. Those of you who know me, this is no surprise. But those who don't? Well, if you think something is nerdy, chances are I am a fan: Star Trek, Stargate, anime, movies, tv, sci-fi, comics, video games, toys, LOST, Heroes, the list really goes on and on.
Anyway, with that in mind I recently started getting into podcasts for my iPod. And going off on the aforementioned interest in all things geek, a number podcasts I initially subscribed to involve movies, comics, favorite tv shows, etc.
All I have to say is "wow".
Listening to some of these podcasts... they really reflect the geek stereotype you often see poked fun at in sitcoms and such. You know, the nasal-congested, lisp ridden individual challenging you to who the better captain would be: Kirk or Picard. And as I listen to these podcasts, I can't help but ask myself, "Do I sound like this when I geek out?"
If that's the case, to the readers of this blog, if I ever fall into that role, SLAP ME, and remind me to keep it real.
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