Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So I'm packing up my desk yesterday, impeding move and all, and what do I come across... a program for my ex-girlfriend's capstone (I don't know if "capstone" is something specific to her course of study, if it is, think semester/thesis project) presentation her senior year.

Now the program itself, insignificant. I mean, it's just a program, and she and I weren't even dating at the time of the capstone... but I tell you, it was all I can do not to think of every happy moment the two of us shared during the course of our relationship. All I could do not to think of everything I loved about her...

All I can do.

Obviously I failed in my attempts. I guess there's a part of me that does miss her. Don't those realizations just suck? Seriously.

It's just so facinating how such an insigificant object, like a program, can carry so much weight.

Anyway, 3 fucking 30 in the morning... I gotta a least an hour or two more of sleep before work. Damn you body for waking me up... damn you.

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