Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Move...

So the team I am on at work is moving. Moving to a branch office. The office is running out of room, and we're a huge ass team. So we're moving to a branch office. I have to say it's hard to get excited about it.

Opinion on the team is 50/50. People who are stoked are excited about the new floor at the branch office that was put together for us. Always having conference rooms available, shit like that. But for me... I don't know, I really feel like I am being removed from the culture that the company I work for is built upon.

Best analogy I can make is... well, think Temple of Doom, and how that first schmuck got all "KA-LE-MAH"'d, that's kinda what I feel like. And of course, packing up my desk yesterday really didn't help things.

But what are you going to do.

More than anything else, above pace of a ad agency, immersed in a melting pot of creativity, more than anything else, I'm gonna miss the people to be sure. It's always a great pleasure to see yoru co-workers in other departments, your friends on other teams... having that interaction is most definitely an underestimated part of ones career I think. And now all of a sudden that's gone. Or will be soon anyway. And that just sucks.

But I will just have to suck it up, because this is happening.

Just kinda wish it wasn't.


Molly Jane said...

I'm going to miss you! So much ... you have no idea!

Pensive Girl said...

ick ick ick. i don't like that you're moving either.

Dana said...

You bring so much to this office. It'll suck not having my usually-random -et-always-fun Ben run-ins. :(