Friday, October 26, 2007

Can't have the Sweet Without the Bitter.

You know, Cameron Crowe had it right when he wrote, "you can't have the sweet without the bitter". Makes you appreciate the good things in life. So where am I going with this? Well, this blog I'll give a shout to, for lack of a better term, pet peeves, and it's yang, blessings.

So what is my peeve? Drama. Not Kevin Dillion, Entourage drama. I am talking about, real-life, "look at me as I complain about the most benign thing" kind of drama. I like to think I live my life "drama-free", may not be the most positive of lives nowadays, but definitely drama-free. Now if there's something truly wrong, then by all means I always have an ear... but if you're still shouting about drama months old, or freaking out about the smallest thing cause you can't deal so much to the point where you don't want an ear, dare I say, you just want attention... don't waste people's time. Grow up, solution is simple, what makes it hard is you.

I know that may sound terribly mean, and there may in fact be something deeper happening. But, more often then not, let's be honest, there really isn't anything more beneath the surface. What brings this pet peeve to light you ask? Well, you don't get to hear that.

But that's my bitter.

What's my sweet?

Well, it's a funny thing. I always try to be there when someone I care about asks for help. Sometimes it gets difficult, other responsibilities get in the way, whatever. But there always seems to be a solution, and regardless of the stress, I try and make it work. Now this week was incredibly hectic. I mean, work has been a little crazy, both in my day job and in my freelance. So much so the time each takes in my life starting invading on each other's time. And my deadlines got fucked.

So here's the thing, a friend of mine asked if I would make a wine bottle lamp (yes I make these) for her father's birthday. And of course I would do this. But this was before the week of hell began. We were supposed to get together tonight, she, her boyfriend (also whom I consider a good friend as well), and myself. But I starting freaking out hardcore about stuff I needed to get out the door this week.

And my friend picked up on it. I kept insisting that we're still on, that things were okay, but I was freaking out about timing, let's just say I haven't been sleeping well this week.

But here's the thing, the other friend, the boyfriend, he asked if things were okay. He expressed that we can do it another time if there were other things on my plate. He confessed to one degree or another, there was concern there.

And I have to say, I was unaccustom to that. Without ego, I feel like I spend a lot of my time thinking about others, it's really unusual for me to have someone else express concern and look out for my well-being. Some might say that their concern was a little, insignificant gesture... well, that's where Crowe got it right again when he wrote, "...the little things, there's nothing bigger." And it's true.

I know, I know, that fact I am geeking out on Crowe is not lost on me.

But yea boys and girls, this post is about sweet and bitter, ying and yang, action and reaction, and in that moment I really felt like they are that foil, that complement to our friendship. And you know, it should be that way, no?

In anycase I reluctantly agreed to reschedule (always feel guilty when work gets in the way of life with others). But it really helped, projects done, ready to start the weekend, and that wouldn't have been possible without true friends.

But yes ladies and gentlemen, that was my sweet today. Realizing how blessed I am to have friends like that in my life. As the female half of that couple would say, "I enjoy them."

And with that, I think I will go to bed.

1 comment:

Molly Jane said...

Ben Lee. I heart you lots and lots. And I do mean lots. And true friendships are pretty dang good ... so thanks for that!