Sunday, January 28, 2007

Shame on you Scrub and Bubbles...

Yea, the Automatic Shower Cleaner? Piece of shit. I'm sure more discerning shoppers are already aware of this fact, but sadly, ever the hopeful person I am, just thought there might be a ray of light.

Yea, the shower cleaner, POS!

Been a little over a week... No real difference. Quite simply the shower really does look the same. Any difference I saw beforehand was probably me just hoping there was a difference. This thing does not work.

Seriously folks, save you money, this miracle was not meant to be.

Shame on you Scrubb and Bubbles... why on Earth would you release a product that in fact does not work??? Does not make any sense.

Anyway, just getting the word out kids.

Next cooking goals...

- Frozen Strawberry Cheesecake
- Carrot Cake

One is for my own gluttonous pleasure, the other, well for my girlfriend's gluttonous pleasure.

Stay tuned for a report...

Friday, January 26, 2007

a little setback...

So one of my New Year's Resolutions was to be more positive. Not to constantly put whatever negative I got vibin' out into the world... well I've experienced a little setback. Won't go into it. But it's there. One thing I do need to learn is when and where to express what's going on.

Sometimes, I'm not so good with that.

Anyway. Setback.

On a total sidenote, Children of Men EXCELLENT!!! The protagonist's journey a little cliche, but whatever, AWESOME.

Okay, off to bed (going to bed at 10 on a Friday... I feel lame, maybe just old).


Feeling a deep yellow rage in my bowels... I swear to fucking gawd I'm gonna punch something.

That's it really.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I hate trimming nose hairs.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want shit poking out. Would rather keep that shit trimmed.

Just don't like doing it, it's like going to the dentist.

Sometimes, I'm lazy.

So, usually I'm a pretty motivated dude, but sometimes... well, there are certain aspects in life that I'm well... down right lazy. Like what you may ask?

Cleaning the shower.

So let me tell you, I about shit my pants when I saw Scrubbing Bubbles AUTOMATIC Shower Cleaner! Touch of one button, see a clean shower in 2 weeks! Was I skeptical? Sure. But at 20 bones, how could I say no? I'm only on day 3... but let me tell you, I think I see a difference.

Very excited about this. I'll let you kids know what happens on day 14.


Just simply amazing.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Watch it and be amazed.

random thought of the day...

Tired. Definitely tired.

Whether you think that I mean that figuratively or literally, well... I leave that to you.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Seriously, and that pet peeve list just grows a little more...

Okay, I'm pretty easy going. If you need something, or would like to borrow something. Seriously, just ask. More then likely I am happy to oblige. And if you feel like being a total dick and just take something without asking... okay... but return it the way you found it. Otherwise, you ARE a dick.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Simple. But wow.

So Koko Kaka Entertainment made a website for fashion deisigner Julian Red's Fall/Winter 06 collection... and it's really quite captivating. It's not your traditional navigation, and you may not notice it right away, but when you see the nav... you'll be so surprised that you didn't see it before, and might take a step back at it's extreme simplicity.

It really is a captivating site, well, at least for me. For whatever that's worth.

Check it out

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

such a sucker...

So I got sucked into DeviantArt... really, what are you gonna do???

check it out, me and my 1 peice of art:

Deviant Art

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Accidents...

So my friend recently posted a little cooking fun, so I thought I would join in. So those of you who don't know me, well, I like to cook. NAY. I LOVE to cook. I don't know why. But making something delicious is really quite satisfying.

Anyway, I was cooking breakfast this weekend, and just made something quick. Some scrambled eggs, some fried red potatoes over some sauteed veggies. It was fine. But when I took a bit of some veggies with the eggs... it was downright TASTY! So I made it the next day. This time, dropped the potatoes, and put the sauteed veggies over a bed of scrambled eggs...


BUT it really didn't look appetizing. Why? Well... scrambled eggs, they look kinda brainy, you know? So what do you do? I decided to axe the scrambled and rather make egg pancakes and slice discs with a biscuit cutter, curious to what happened?

Step one:

SAUTE THOSE VEGGIES!!! (trick, add salt to bring out some sweet flavor!)

Step two:


Step three:

Fry those eggs like you're making pancakes. (trick, easier to flip with a small pan)

Step four:

Oh, don't forget the vino. Not for the eggs, for you.

Step five:


Step six:


Winter Cat

So it snowed in Kansas City... it just keeps coming... won't stop... BUT, with all crap comes something funny. Now presenting, the Winter Cat...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Just obscene...

Seriously, just obscene. And the fact that this 83 some odd tool knife retails for 1200 bones... just makes it that much more obscene.

Don't believe me this thing is real? Check it out on the Wender website, maker of the Swiss Army Knife.

I totally need this...

Seriously, look at this thing. I totally need this behind my desk to plan my plots to take over the world. The chair is so beautiful, there's no question. And with a product name like "Villain's Chair", really, can you deny it?

You can't.

Only downside, it's like 7 grand... sigh.

Check it out, it's from a company called SUCK.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Wouldn't mind it...

...if I went to a Macworld. If anything to see a keynote delivered by Steve Jobs in person. I mean, seriously, the man is a powerful speaker. Sure I'd get grossly depressed by seeing all the sweet Apple products that I couldn't afford right out the gate. But yea, seeing a keynote in person, awesome.

Don't believe me that Jobs is a captivating speaker? Run over to Apple and watch the latest keynote. Don't want to? THEN SHUT UP! (just kidding)

Thursday, January 11, 2007


So took the video of my friend's ass off the blog. Mainly, just got tried of the audio, and I am too lazy to figure out how to make it not auto-play.


So I spent my day today doing a illustration for work. It's a pencil drawing of the insides of a dog. Yes, definitely one of the more interesting assignments I have had at work. But as gross as it may or may not sound, it was totally fun to work on, and came out quite well actually. I sit here this evening debating if I want to apply color or not.

But yea, that was my day. Wasn't too bad either, I mean I spent the work day drawing, and I spent it from home. That was totally cool. The reasoning was rational, doing quick sketches at work for storyboards and whatnot is one thing, but to have a finished peice I much perfer my home, my studio and all my tools. Thankfully my boss agreed, and all was well.

Tonight was a networking event sponsored by the Kansas City Ad Club. It was a lot of fun. They showcased a lot of award winning commercials, and it was definitely inspiring. But beyond that, the networking component of it... that is a aspect of business that I have not been a part of since my LLC days, and honestly, I quite missed it. The whole process of meeting new people, clients, in this case, peers... that business social atmosphere... I honestly miss that environment. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT going to quit my job and start another LLC... just reflecting is all.

Ah, memories.

Anyways, just got back, a little tired, think I'll watch some TV. Kids have a great evening doing, well, whatever it is you're doing.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Okay, the thing that bugs me... when you're at a red light, inching out to check traffic to make a right. Then some bitch comes up to make a left, but on a red, you don't need to inch the fuck out to make a left. You don't need to block my view of oncoming traffic.

Seriously, on red, you're not going anywhere. Why do you have to block my view?



Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Beside myself...

So I have this pet project... sort of a web-zine if you will. It gets a decent amount of traffic I think, rough 2-3000 hits a month. But at any given time, anywhere from 1-3 visitors at anytime... that is to say until a few moments ago.

Wanna guess how many visitors were online?



Seriously, I am really thrilled by that, I can just PISS.

But yeah, check it out, don't expect any bit of fantastic writing, but hey, it's mine.


Yea I want it...

Seriously, I want it.

From Apple demos, it looks to be everything everyone could want in a mobile device... only, done right. The phone has iTunes, but with that it plays both mp3 and video... widescreen video. It has a web browser that you're used to, and worthwhile. None of that WAP bullshit. It looks to show your standard website in it's entirely, resizes it shape and orientation depending on how you hold the device. One top of that, you can zoom on portions of the site in case the content is too small. In an word, AWESOME.

This thing has all your Dashboard Widgets, camera, text messaging... all of it. Only better.

Sure, there are phones that do everything the iPhone does, but really... it looks like Apple does it better, and I'll say it again, even right. AND it's a compatible with a MAC! Something, as far as I know, current Smartphones (Palm aside) don't do.

Only downside... the phone carries a suggested retail for a 4GB model at $499, and a 8GB at $599. ICK!

But yeah, check out Apple's site for more info, you'll want one too.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Seriously, sometimes the little things bug the hell out of me...

So it's about 11 pm, doing some bits on the computer, and I have Serenty playing in the background. Now, those of you not in the know, Serenity is based off the short-lived sco-fi show Firefly, and it's about the best show ever (okok, there is The Office, but that's a totally diffrerent genre). Anyways, getting ahead of myself. So in the movie there's this great space chase, and the pilot is all talking to himself:

"i'm a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar."

Things go boom, lasers go bang...

"Iiiii'm a leaf on the wind, wat--"
"What does that mean?" Screams the Captain.

If you see it, totally hilarious. But on the DVD, they cut the last bit, cut the "I DON'T KNOW!", and that just hurts.

Like I said, the little things, sometimes they bug me.

Friday, January 05, 2007


...maintaining a web server, virtual or otherwise, can be a real pain sometimes.

That's it really.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Star Trek Condo

So get this. As with all of us, designer Tony Alleyne was so broken after a break-up, he embraced his love of Star Trek and turned his condo into a replica of the Star Trek Enterprise.

Since then, he's turned this fanboy endeavor into a profitable business helping others turn their homes into sci-fi gold.

Check out the NPR story here.

Check out Tony's website here.


So some people often argue that New Year's Resolutions are a waste of time, and a exercise in futility. Okay, I can see that. But this year, I am making more... "guidelines" then anything else. But they're resolutions none the less. So here's a few to start with:

1) to drink less over lunch
2) not to sit idle and accept responsibilty for mistakes that are not my own
3) to have a more positive outlook on my day to day life
4) be better in following up (clients, work, friends, family)

I think those are good ones to start with, don't you?

We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year, New Outlook, New Life...

Definitely was ready to say goodbye to 2006. So how do you say goodbye? Well shit, at the last minute, I guess you celebrate?

That's my friend Mark, he's a nice guy... boy I need to figure out that red eye filter...

The girlfriend and friends... did I mention the red eye?

more friends, more red eye

That was a cupcake someone licked all the frosting off of, but left the cake. It wasn't me.

yeeeeaaaa... forgot I left the zoom on...

...much better.

That's Elizabeth. (she's the cupcake offender)

Ah, BE, one of Kate's good friends, and my old hair stylist... but she moved, didn't know where. So now I see my man Rob's stylist: MOON! Did I mention she was Korean? Awesome.

That's my best friend Justin, and his wife Kari... very amusing that I am dating a white girl, and my white best friend is married to a Korean. Just sayin'

Such the happy couple.

No but seriously folks. New Year's was really quite awesome. 2006 totally blew on so many levels I cannot begin to even tell you. I got pretty sad there for a good bit of it. And this past NY was definitely a good way to say goodbye.

So it's a new year, today was the first day back into the world... and definitely approaching it with a new outlook, try to get back to being positive. Today was a good day for that.

Just 363 more days to go!

But hey, I think I can make it.