So bowling, cocktails, and a angry diposition make for some weird ass dreams.
Take last night for example. I totally dreamed I got fired from work. It started with me having a conversation with the HR person, she was saying how she just fired someone, and proceeded to look on her checklist to see who was next. The list itself was just a pegboard of faces with x's on them. Kinda like what you would find on the side of a WWII bomber.
"And next on the list is... oh look, it's YOU!"
I was freaked out, "Wha?"
Next thing I know I am in a boardroom, the kind you see in movies. You know the one, at the end of the crime drama, you're in the office of the big mob boss. It's a long hallway, lots of marble, and a big ass desk at the end of it where the villian sits.
Only the villian is my boss.
He starts to tell me why I am being fired. Things like attendance.
"Bullshit, I get here 9:00 - 9:15. There are a shit ton of people who get here at 10! Are you letting them go???" I was pissed off.
Then a voice behind me calls out, "Just deal man." I turn only to find a friend I had been confessing things to, sitting there in all his job security. I was betrayed.
But then a girl enters the room.
"See what happens when you're not careful?"
I turn only to see Sophia Bush.
"Sophia Bush of One Tree Hill?"
My boss rants off, "You see, she's not just another pretty face. She has a brain too."
I was so confused, I woke up in a cold sweat.
Bowling, coctails, and a angry disposition make for some weird ass dreams.