Tuesday, July 31, 2007

...and if I can nit-pick for a moment...

So I am in advertising, more in a interactive environment (websites, banner ads, and other fine online initiatives), rather then your traditional fare (tv, print). But this nit-pick moment has to do with Flash banner ads. When you serve an ad on a site, it doesn't matter if you built the ad with a background color, when served on a site the site will read the background as transparent. So, if you banner has a background color of pink, but the site has a background color of yellow. Well, your banner will be yellow. That's why it's important to place a shape in the background of your ad in the color you want.

So why am I getting all into Banner Ads 101?

Well, I was putzing on myspace, and I saw a ad fo K&N Filters, and they neglected to account for this very basic problem. The result was a very sloppy banner with all these images just floating without purpose... it was all just terribly sloppy.

Am I a nerd for getting stuck on this? Well, yea, but come on, have some pride in your craft people.


Monday, July 30, 2007

don't you hate it when...

You see a movie, you see a bunch of sweet ass trailers, but after the movie, you can't remember a single title to any of the trailers, or what happened, you just remember that they were awesome.

Yea, a little frustrating.

Sometimes YouTube Pulls Through...

So, I forget why it came up, but puberty came up at work the other day. And I recall this fantastically horrible "After School Special" film of 70's goodness called, "Am I Normal". This film was so awesome, the lead asks about his body from a Zoo Keeper. I know, awesome.

Anyways, someone on YouTube posted this sweet, sweet film in 3 parts.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

no place like home, seriously.

Well I am back home, dear sweet home, after a concentrated visit with the fam. I love my fam, but let's say it's nice to be home again. Butt-ass tired, will post adventures and pics from SF soon, after a little nap of course.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Here I Come San Francisco!

So I leave for San Francisco at the butt-ass crack of dawn tomorrow... well, butt-ass for me, I like sleep.

But yea, my little cousin Charlene is getting married. So the fam is headed over to celebrate the whole thing. It should be a wonderful time, it's been way to long since I've seen the family in California, let alone my own family. One thing I am not looking forward is the battery of questions the women in my family like to ask me. ugh.

Those of you who know me, know what I am talking about.

But yea, regardless, looking forward to it to be sure.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll post a blog or pics, or both, when I get back.

Guys have a great (and safe) weekend!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quote of the day...

"Hollywood has figured out the location of the supergeek clubhouse. They've jimmied the locks, moved in, and spruced the place up. And we're sort of sadly and pathetically ok with it, because they bring lots of hot actresses and nice film clips."

- Brad Meltzer, comic writer and novelist talking about Hollywood and the San Diego Comic-Con

And on a total side note, going to a Barak Obama rally tonight. Not sure how I feel about this, it should be interesting.

Monday, July 23, 2007

And more adventures in cooking...

So turns out a friend of mine at work has an incredible garden at her parent's place, and brought a poop ton of fresh veggies to work to share with everyone. And really, how could I not take part of fresh veggies picked that morning. I mean seriously.

In the basket brought, there were fresh corn ears (ears is the right term, no?), and fresh cucumbers. And I grabbed a healthy helping of both.

And in a moment of pure geekness, all I could think about was what I could do with the veggies. Grill this, sautee that... thinking of a menu will always be the death of me.

But I decided to make a little chicken/veggie goodness with a sauce made from the juices , all served on a bed of rice.

The veggies:

But yea, cored the corn, diced the cucumbers and peppers and onions. Threw all that on the pan, little salt and olive oil, let it do it's thing.

Then, when you see the veggies (white onions are good measure if you use them) getting a little translucent. That's when I added the seasoned chicken bits.

And once that was all done, took the veggies and chicken, and reduced the juices a little bit for a sauce. I don't know if that was proper, but what the hell, I gave it a go.

The finished product:

Have to say, love the fresh veggies.

But I think it came out pretty good... I thought the corn and rice gave it a... "interesting" texture. But definitely happy with the flavors.

I have to say though, I could probably stand a class in plating, that and maybe new plates... so if anyone out there want to get me some sweet dishes, there's a homecooked meal in it for you!


Finished book 7 at 1AM this morning. I fully recognize that maybe a totally geek thing on my part. But whatever.

Anyways, book 7, really good. Maybe not her best, but really good none the less. But I am left with wanting more Harry Potter to read, but sad in the knowledge no more is coming.

Sigh, alas I am man unmended and unmade, well until something new comes along...

Saturday, July 21, 2007


So I have plans tonight. But seriously, I want to blow it all off and read Harry Potter all night...

I so feel myself losing all my street-cred in this post.

But seriously, book 7, AWESOME.

Go get yours and read something already.


So there's the aforementioned Harry Potter extravaganza. Well I had reserved 2 books, and the recipient of the 2nd reservation switched from one person, to another, and finally landing with a co-worker of mine (to whom I was surprised and delighted to find she was a Harry Potter fan).

Anyway, we had breakfast today to, well, hand off the book, and generally hang out. But as we were eating she had turned to the conversation to past relationships. She told me about the last great relationship she had. And when it was mine turn, the tale I chose first was not the one I thought I would chose. Which was fascinating to me, because if you knew the situations, the details (which sadly, you won't read here, I know that's unfair of me), it's really interesting, if not a little bizarre.

And I find myself, well feeling beside myself about that.

I just would not have thought I would have categorized those past relationships the way I did. Neither good nor bad, just is I suppose.

But when I tried to speak to other relationships, well, it just wasn't the same, it was like I was trying to force sentiment out of it. And that was just awkward.

But, yea, having that realization was, well, just fascinating to say the least.

Anyway, back to reading Harry Potter...

oh Harry.

So me and two of my closest friends hit up the midnight release of the last book of Harry Potter, and OH MY GOD will I never do that again. I mean, shit yea, I want my book and a bright eyed and bushy tailed start to Harry's last adventure. But man... I must be getting old, because when you get to this point in the evening...

...everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, starts to get REALLY annoying.

But it was a good night. We spent a little more time at the bookstore then we would have liked (the plan was a movie and maybe 2 hours of waiting, rather then miss the movie a 4 hours of waiting... ugh.). But from a people-watching perspective the evening was AMAZING. It was really quite spectacular and endearing to people of all ages and sizes geek out of the world of Harry Potter. Just Amazing.

Anyways, the evening is done, and the only reason I'm up before noon on a Saturday is to read more Harry Potter.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Video Games. Nerds. And Bon Jovi.

Behold my people.

The word you're looking for is AWESOME!

Those of you who are wondering what you just watched. Well a whole plethora of video game enthusiasts (probably critics or friends of) playing ROCK BAND, the next evolution of the ever addicting Guitar Hero, at a Game Conference.

Really, just awesome. Especially since they were rocking Bon Jovi... Man, geeks and Bon Jovi... just doesn't get any better.

I almost died today.

So you know that part in movies where the Protagonist is crossing the street, unbeknowst to them a Mass Transit Bus is on a collision course. The bus hits the breaks, and they hear a massive skreech. The Protagonist turns, and always puts thier hands in the air (as if that were able to stop the bus), and they always have a "deer in headlights" look as they realize the bus is about to bitch slap them into tomorrow.

Yea, that happened to me over lunch today. It was pretty amazing in the worst way possible.

Let me just say, I love you all, just thought I'd say that to you all at least once in case the bus hits me next time (frantically knocking on wood).


So I wake up this morning, run through the workout. But I decide to add a little something, I decide to jog up the stairs to the roof of my building.

Yeah, so my legs are fine. But my shoulder is totally sore.

I know, talent.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Worst situation ever...

Realizing you have to puke when you're in the middle of taking a dump.

I hope none of you ever find yourself in this predicament.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


So I'm watching TV this evening, and a commercial comes on for a upcoming reality tv show. The name? MURDER. The premise? Amateur CSI trying to solve real murders alongside the professionals.

Anyone else REALLY disgusted by this?

Shame on you SPIKE, shame.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


So I had the incredible urge to paint the other night. Couldn't tell you why, maybe huge wave of "emo" came over me? I don't know.

Anyway, it's been a long time since I have picked up a paintbrush... yea, turns out I forgot how to paint.

And that's just depressing.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Summer Lovin'

Just a illustration for the Annual Summer Party at work.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

To everyone who can use a smile.

You know you're smiling, don't even try and deny it.

So it's true, you really do learn something new every freaking day...

Okay, so I made the post the other day about Bush commuting Libby's sentence. Well. There was a whole layer to that that I was completely unaware. I mean, I recalled the CIA Leak, and had a snapshot image of it. But completely unaware of the events leading to the leak.

For me, I was initially upset by the fact that here is a man, at the very least covering up the fact that our agent's name was put public. He knew who did it, and lied to protect that person or persons. And the President's response who to simply reply, "no biggie, you just get a warning".

But now here's the thing, a friend of mine who eats, lives and breathes this stuff informs me it all goes back to Iraq. How we're making the preemptive strike because Saddam is a threat, forces in the Middle East are buying Uranium from Niger and so on. Well, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson called bullshit, looked into it, and found no evidence of what this Administration was claiming. From there, Wilson is talking to everyone to educate the people what is happenning.

And the people started to listen, whether it be the news groups or they're patrons, people were listening.

To subvert this, Valerie Plame's (Wilson's wife) identity was made public as a CIA Agent.


Some would offer that this action came from Vice President Cheney, as the accused Libby was his Chief of Staff. But, from my perspective, Libby is clearly covering for someone, and it's someone in this Administration. And the fact that there is no investigation, at least that I know of, of that is... is well, incredible.

Now to go back to the previous post and have Bush just sweep it under the rug. To let, what I imagine, one of the few people who know the true story behind Iraq go... Man, it's really enough to make your butt-itch.


So I sit here EAGERLY awaiting the '08 elections.

Anyway. That was my "something new" for the day.

the 4th.

So the 4th came and went, and so did the BBQ. Not a lot of fireworks that night, but man, what a view. Probably one of the most beautiful sunsets I had seen in KC in sometime. Not gonna lie, missed my Ex something feirce that night. It was just something I wish I could have shared with her. And before you nay-sayers chime in, yes I missed "her" and not a warm body.

But anyway.

It was a awesome night, I think everyone had a good time. At least I hope so. Hope all of you had fun on the Fourth. If not, give me a shout next year, if I'm still in KC, we'll do it up right.

And on a total different note, my office is in a private airport. Anyway, political figures fly in all the time. Lately it's been Bush and Cheney (sp?), but really, who gives a flying fuck. But today, today former President Clinton flew in, and I'll admit, I was a little star struck. Really, how could you not? Anyway, here are some pics a co-worker took:

I have to say though, I really want to know how you get in that receiving line, because it would be awesome!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Working out...

So I have been making more of an effort to work out more and more. Nothing too high impact, 30 min walk here, 1 hour walk there, and hit the weights every now and again. But man, so I need to hit the weights more. Serious.

I'm sure you're asking why, so I'll tell you. I love the rice, I'm sure it has something to do with being Korean. But the brand of rice I get, well, it comes in either 16 lbs or 50 lbs varieties. I usually opt for the 16 pound.

But the store was out of 16 pound bags today.

So I opt for the 50.

Shit, Korean needs his rice.

But man, was the 50 pound bag HEAVY!!! I don't remember 50 pounds being so heavy. Rice totally has to be really dense or something. Serious.

Safe to say, gotta add a little more weights to the workout.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Amazing, just amazing...

Let me start by saying I am no fan of President Bush. Voted for Gore, voted for Kerry. Wasn't a fan of his father… safe to say, the Bushes, not a fan.

Okay, a little back-story. Remember a few years back, there was the investigation of the CIA leak? Well, former VP Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby, was among those who were investigated. And he was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. He was accused of lying on how Valerie Plame became publicly indentified as a CIA Operative.

His sentence? $250,000, and 2 ½ years in prison, easily a fair sentence, no?

Well boys and girls, our dear President Bush commuted the prison sentence today. And also alluded to the fact that a full pardon maybe forthcoming.

Are you kidding me?

Seriously, having our agents identity publicly revealed, clearly a serious offense. I would use the term "National Security", but I am SO tired of hearing that in BAD event movies… it would only seem to be a joke in this case… anyway, getting off-topic. To have the President simply sweep the sentence under the rug, citing, that he thought the sentence was "excessive" is really suspect especially when Libby was sentenced under the same laws as other criminals… seriously.

This action on our President's part pretty much amounts to a slap on the wrist, condoning criminal conduct. And to even add further offense to the matter the President actually believes that the $250K still "leaves in place a harsh punishment for Mr. Libby." Really? Really Mr. President? I mean, $250K, couple of lectures, surely a book deal, fine is paid. For a former Public Service officer at his position, not so much with government salary, but supplemental income, I have to imagine that would be a drop in the bucket. So what punishment is Libby serving really?

Of course this action is getting harsh feedback from the Democrats, and shit, rightfully so. Among the left, Presidential hopefuls chimed in, Barak Obama stating, "…exactly the kind of politics we must change", and Hilary Clinton with, "…clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." (I won't lie, I had to look up part of Hilary's comment. Go ahead, go over to Webster.com, I'll wait.)

But my favorite bit has to be from former Ambassador Joseph Wilson stating, "this administration is corrupt to the core," further adding, "I would only hope that Americans now realize, with this subversion of our system of justice and the rule of law in this country, just exactly how corrupt they are."

And honestly I couldn't agree more.

Now, if you want to know more, there're plenty of articles available on your favorite news channel online. Articles much more informative and speak more eloquently to this topic then I ever could.

But if you want some links, I like NPR.org:



Monday, July 02, 2007

The Weinstein Bros, something called the Gotham Group, and a bunch of Koreans...

The Weinstein Company, The Gotham Group and the Chungcheongnam-do provincial government of South Korea are teaming up to produce and distribute animated feature films. The projects will involve talent represented by the Gotham Group (as well as others) and will use the state of the art animation facilities at The Media Center of Chungcheongnam-do. All three partners will act as co-producers and Weinstein Company will handle world-wide distribution, with some support from the Chungcheongnam-do government in certain Asian markets.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the movies will be computer generated and the scope of the deal assumes production of six to ten films with budgets in the $40 million range for theatrical release.

As part of the deal, Weinstein has a first-look option for with The Gotham Group, which manages animation and family entertainment talent and content.

There was a story a while back where it was listed as the Korean Government was going to allocate a substantial amount of cash to grow their animation industry, simply not being content with being cheap animation labor for the rest of the world. So I'd have to say I am finally happy to see, what I assume, something that is a result of that. Even moreso that the films themselves will reach a global market.

Those of you who've seen true Asian cinema, not the shit they show on Saturday Morning cartoons. It can be really magical, and engaging pieces of cinema. Examples? Spirited Away, Grave of the Fireflies, Ghost in the Shell, Fist of the North Star (not the TV Series, but the original animated feature from the 80's), Akira, that's just a few animated pics. But then you got: The Promise, House of Flying Daggers, I'll put Natural City on the list... though it was weird... like Korean Soap Opera weird... trust me that's weird...

I could go on and on... safe to say I am definitely excited about the possibilities. Truly I think there is a misconception for Asian Cinema being low-budget "Ultraman" type fare. But really, so much more. So definitely excited, and you should be too... if you know what's good for you.

The greatest experience EVER!

So I see a chiropractor, who doubles as a acupuncturist. Now, he also has people who do massage therapy. And given my bowling snafu, he recommended the massage, and I'll try anything once, so I said yes.

Just got back.






Man, I haven't been touched like that since grade school.

And an added plus for the evening, the pins are out of my back! Totally not going to feel all paranoid about doing sit-ups.

Seriously though, if you live in KC, look up Doctor Robert Williams, and Integrative Health Care. Amazing holistic love for the body and soul.

But yea, past couple of days been a little rough, this was a great way to start the week and say goodbye to that drama.

Oh Zach...

So I am up late working on some shit, and the TV is playing in the background. And what do I hear? Zach Braff's (Garden State) voice. And what was he pimping?

Wendy's hamburgers.

I don't know about you, but I don't know how to process that.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

[insert title here]

So this weekend has completely sucked on so many levels I cannot even begin to describe it you. And I guess I won't... there are just some things you don't blog, you know? Well, unless you're completely trashed, and make stupid decisions and write really angry blogs (and if you visited this page before noon yesterday, then you would've gotten the gist). But you sober up and delete the anger.

I do know one thing, I'm tired of being angry... and in no small way sad. It's true I'm there, I can admit it. And news of this weekend really hasn't help that disposition at all.

Definitely haven't hit bottom. That's a long way down I hope to never see.

How do you cope? I'm open to suggestions. I just do a lot of drinking, and if you know me, really know me, that amounts to A LOT of drinking to achieve the desired effect. Never a good idea I guess. Didn't help matters that you realize from the people in your life to whom you would call for support is very small in relation to the people you know. That's never a fun realization. And the people you call can't help, not from a lack of wanting, just conflicts get in the way.

I just find myself at a loss. Wasn't it Shakespeare who said something like, "...a man unmended and unmade..." Well I'm pretty sure William had it right.

Apologies if this was a terribly "emo" blog. Like a bit of gas, I really didn't want to keep this tucked away. And Web 2.0 seems like all I have left.

A bit of suck to be sure.

Anyway, I guess I should get the day going.