Let me start by saying I am no fan of President Bush. Voted for Gore, voted for Kerry. Wasn't a fan of his father… safe to say, the Bushes, not a fan.
Okay, a little back-story. Remember a few years back, there was the investigation of the CIA leak? Well, former VP Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby, was among those who were investigated. And he was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. He was accused of lying on how Valerie Plame became publicly indentified as a CIA Operative.
His sentence? $250,000, and 2 ½ years in prison, easily a fair sentence, no?
Well boys and girls, our dear President Bush commuted the prison sentence today. And also alluded to the fact that a full pardon maybe forthcoming.
Are you kidding me?
Seriously, having our agents identity publicly revealed, clearly a serious offense. I would use the term "National Security", but I am SO tired of hearing that in BAD event movies… it would only seem to be a joke in this case… anyway, getting off-topic. To have the President simply sweep the sentence under the rug, citing, that he thought the sentence was "excessive" is really suspect especially when Libby was sentenced under the same laws as other criminals… seriously.
This action on our President's part pretty much amounts to a slap on the wrist, condoning criminal conduct. And to even add further offense to the matter the President actually believes that the $250K still "leaves in place a harsh punishment for Mr. Libby." Really? Really Mr. President? I mean, $250K, couple of lectures, surely a book deal, fine is paid. For a former Public Service officer at his position, not so much with government salary, but supplemental income, I have to imagine that would be a drop in the bucket. So what punishment is Libby serving really?
Of course this action is getting harsh feedback from the Democrats, and shit, rightfully so. Among the left, Presidential hopefuls chimed in, Barak Obama stating, "…exactly the kind of politics we must change", and Hilary Clinton with, "…clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." (I won't lie, I had to look up part of Hilary's comment. Go ahead, go over to Webster.com, I'll wait.)
But my favorite bit has to be from former Ambassador Joseph Wilson stating, "this administration is corrupt to the core," further adding, "I would only hope that Americans now realize, with this subversion of our system of justice and the rule of law in this country, just exactly how corrupt they are."
And honestly I couldn't agree more.
Now, if you want to know more, there're plenty of articles available on your favorite news channel online. Articles much more informative and speak more eloquently to this topic then I ever could.
But if you want some links, I like NPR.org: